“They Slipped Briskly into an Intimacy From Which They Never Recovered.” -F.S.F.

I removed the password from my previous post. I had locked it up because I didn’t want Mr. Professor reading it just in case he somehow stumbled upon my blog. But I ended up biting the bullet and telling him pretty much everything anyway, so now he can feel free to read whatever he wants.

We are both very well aware that the other is still dating other people. In fact, we often discuss our dates and interactions with those other people. Well, if I’m being honest, we talk about how much those other people suck as dates and all the things that are wrong with them. I actually can’t recollect a time when either of us has spoken promisingly about another date that we met or sex that we had. Then last week Mr. Professor emailed me a copy of an email he sent to a girl with whom he was planning to go out with that Saturday. He sent it to me because he thought I would find its contents funny–and I did. But I also felt something else that I wasn’t expecting to feel: jealousy.

I was jealous that he would be spending his Saturday night with her and not with me. I was also jealous because I knew she had to travel a long distance and would likely be spending the night at his place–something I’ve yet to be invited to do (more on that in a minute). So, I did what I knew was the right thing to do. I sent him the following email:

I can’t believe that I’m writing this and actually going to send it….

I think I need to take a break from hanging out with you. Or you might want to take a break from hanging out with me after reading this. Either that, or you just need to talk me down from my ledge πŸ™‚ As I’m sure you know, I can get a little over dramatic and over analytical. I’m hoping (since you are the one with all the experience in these matters) that you can tell me that it’s totally normal to feel this way given our situations. The sex is fantastic and I surely know that I would miss that. But I think that I might be enjoying your company a little too much. No man has made me laugh in some time in the same way you do. Or appreciated my body. Or cooked for me. Or engaged me in interesting conversation. Or made me feel so comfortable being me. Or called me out on my bs (even if that bs is just that I’m way too nice!) Or made me anticipate the next time I get to see him. There have been other men who have made me feel those things to a degree, but it’s always proven to be fleeting.

And I certainly haven’t spent entire Sundays with a man (since I was married) like the two that we previously spent together. And the sex…I believe it was episode 4 of that day πŸ™‚ The one you said was “special,” felt a little too “special.” Not because I didn’t like it, I very much enjoyed the intimacy, but because I know that isn’t a kind of intimacy that you can spare. I’m a little worried that it freaked you out. I’ve never done this kind of thing before–it’s a very new experience for me. I don’t know what’s right, wrong, normal, or abnormal and I don’ want to say or do the wrong thing…something I am quite prone to doing.
I know very well what your situation is and I have so much respect for that–enough respect that I feel telling you this is the right thing to do even though it sucks for me. You girlfriend is truly a lucky woman to have a guy who is so committed to her and so obviously loves her. I totally understand your desire to continue making that relationship work and admire your drive to do so.

And as much as I have told myself that this is working as is because you and I are in very similar situations, the more I think about it, we are actually in two entirely different situations. I have a relationship that is beyond repair and is ending. You have a relationship that you are very much still invested in. When I set out on this endeavor I told myself, you, and every other guy I’ve met that I’m not emotionally in a place where I can get involved. However, as time goes on I am starting to realize that while it may be hard at times, I might actually be ready to start opening my heart up to that again. This is not to say that I want that from you, I’m not asking for anything more. I just didn’t want to deceive you.

Really, I should be thanking you for that. Over the last 6 weeks, as I’ve gotten to know you, I’ve learned that it really isn’t that difficult to do once you find someone that you connect to on levels other than and including sexually.

Wow, that was a massive brain dump. Sorry to pile it on you. Ideally, I’m hoping that everything can stay exactly as it between us right now, but that I can alleviate the guilt (not sure if that’s the right word) over feeling this way when I know exactly what your situation is. I just felt that I owed it to you and your relationship to tell you this. And I didn’t want to be on the receiving end of the “i’m breaking up with you even though we weren’t really dating” conversation.

I know this is a conversation probably best had face-to-face or via the telephone, but I wanted to throw it out there. But if you want to talk about it, then that’s fine too. I’m pretty sure you know how to reach me πŸ™‚


Normally, I wouldn’t post his actual response verbatim (because those aren’t my words to share), but I really need your advice and I don’t think my paraphrasing would do this situation any justice. So here is how he responded:

Email was just fine. I think I knew this is where you were getting. The facts that you know that about yourself, and that I felt attuned to it is just proof of why I’m attracted you, and why we enjoy one another the way we do, respectively.

For my part, I think I do need to take a break from the intensity of you. I realized that in the past few days when it dawned on me exactly how much emotional time you take up for me: I have to recover from the intimacy we share. While in fact I have no idea whether I have any future with my girlfriend, I am not ready to put myself in the position that is…. just below the ledge where you described yourself–but I think I’m there, too.

For the record, I think we’re fucking awesome for recognizing this, and I think you’re fucking awesome for saying it so clearly. And I think that awesomeness should make this easy and not hard.Β 

Also, I think we should still fuck… fairly hard… on a to-be-determined but perhaps-less-continuous basis.

We can talk about it later but just wanted to give these first thoughts.

Then we pretty much agreed to see less of each other. But over the last week since this email exchange, we’ve texted, emailed, or talked on the phone every single day even if it was just to say hi or to say ‘I’m thinking of you.’We did hang out last night…sex, grabbed some dinner, shared an ice cream, talked, laughed, cuddled. The usual. It was great and didn’t feel awkward at all after the conversation that we had. But he did say that we shouldn’t have sex for a third time that night because it would be “crossing the intimacy line” with a smile on his face. I guess that’s the arbitrary line that he’s drawn when really, the other things we did we equally as intimate as the sex…..

Now these are the possibilities that are playing out in my head:

1. We both really like each other and are scared of what that means in regards to what we thought our futures would look like. We both love someone else and this is just a case of bad timing.

2. I’m just being dumb and setting myself up for heartbreak. He knows how I feel about him andΒ  I know how he feels about me, yet we can’t be together and we don’t want to be apart.

3. Sometimes I think it’s just for the sex, but both of us are more than capable of meeting and having great sex with other people–so why do we continue to do this to each other?

4. Maybe it just needs more time to play out. Maybe I’m over-thinking it. Maybe it just is exactly what it appears to be–two people who like each other and have great sex. Why does it have to be more or labeled as such?

5. I’m in way over my head and I need to run get out now and never look back.

6. I’m just being paranoid. I know (from what he’s told me) that he is often brutally honest with girls who end up liking him or wanting more from him. He hasn’t even remotely drawn that line yet. And, damn, I know I’m good in bed, but I can’t possibly be that good that he would overlook those things just to continue having sex with me πŸ™‚

I hate this….guessing game. I have never been a good mind reader.


Potential For Greatness

I have really been neglecting this here corner of the internet. But in response to your comments, emails, and texts I will gladly provide you with an update. Oh, who am I kidding? I have missed this space and I have missed you all! I guess I’ve just been a little…distracted. But I am back to regale you with another sordid story of my singledom and sluthood.

First, however, there is some business I must attend to. One of the reasons that I haven’t written in quite some time is due entirely to my big mouth. I just get so darn proud of myself for maintaining this blog. And I get a little braggy about all you wonderful people who still stop by to read what I have to say. And I then I like to tell people about it. Especially when I write something about them. So really I have no one to blame but myself (and snooping boys too, kind of) if I am unable to maintain my anonymity. That being said, The Actor knows about my blog and he even knows what it’s called, although he promised that he wouldn’t look it up. I know that if it were me, I would never-in-a-million-years have been able to keep that promise. He saw my phone and the separate email address I keep that is associated with this space. He asked me what in the world “Sub-Fertile Slut” is and I had to tell him the truth lest I come across looking like a total weirdo–as opposed to the sort of weirdo that I most definitely am.

I pretty much straight up told Mr. Professor about this space. I did not, however, tell him the name. In an attempt to tease him just a little, I told him that I had written about him on my blog and being the slightly vain guy that he is, he went Googling for it to no avail. At least not as of the last time we talked about it. It’s not that I really care if any of these men read what I have to say about them, it’s more that I don’t want them to read what I have to say about other men. And to complicate it even further, it’s not that I care if they know about the other men, it’s mostly that I don’t want to have to censor myself. So, that’s exactly what I am going to continue to do–I don’t really know any other way.

Also, The Actor and/or Mr. Professor (and you know exactly who you are), you should definitely say HI if you are reading this. I promise I will still continue to write about you, regardless.

Now back to regularly scheduled programming….also known as what’s been going through my head, but haven’t been writing about due to the above business matters.

I have a major crush. Even at the risk of sounding like a 14-year-old schoolgirl, I will admit the extent of this crush is truly major.

I have been spending a lot of time with Mr. Professor–quality time both in and out of the bedroom. But, there are two major problems:

1. I’m married. I set out on this whole adventure with the intentions of avoiding getting in a relationship and developing major feelings for any guy. I simply wanted to date and have glorious, glorious sex. And up until this point I have been quite successful in that endeavor. I deemed myself “emotionally unavailable” and made that clear to every guy that I have gone out with. I even told Mr. Professor up front that I could not and would not ever be able to be his girlfriend. This worked out nicely for the both of us because he is in a similar situation, which leads me to the next problem.

2. He has a girlfriend. They’ve been dating long distance for a few years (long distance as in she lives on the other side of the world) and a while ago they decided to open their relationship up in the physical sense. I don’t want to share too many details because that is his story to tell, not mine. But things haven’t been on the most solid of ground lately and they are trying to determine what their future holds, if anything at all. I know that he is absolutely heartbroken over this. I know it both because he told me and also because I am intimately familiar with those same feelings. In much the same way I did, he made it clear that he was “emotionally unavailable” and not looking to be anybody’s boyfriend. He even had to give a “I’m breaking up with you even though we were never really dating in the first place” speech to another girl that he was hooking up with because she was getting attached and wanted him as a potential boyfriend.

So, what’s a girl to do?

I really like him and I think he really likes me too. And I just don’t know what any of this means. Or even if it has to mean anything at all.

I find myself questioning my desire to be non-monogamous. Maybe I want to try my hand at having a boyfriend? Maybe I don’t. I really have absolutely no clue. The only things that I do know are the following:

  • I like him.
  • As soon as I leave him, I am already anticipating the next time I will see him again.
  • I anticipate the above because our sexual chemistry is amazing, but I also crave just being around him.
  • I get a slight twinge of jealousy when he causally mentions another girl he’s gone out with or is planning to go out with. I do the same thing though and I’d hate to think that I’m imposing a double standard.
  • I think he’s incredibly hot.
  • When we aren’t together we are constantly texting and emailing.
  • I forget all about my marriage and The X when ever I’m around Mr. Professor. And sometimes even when I’m not.
  • He makes me feel hope about a future beyond my marriage even if that future doesn’t include him.
  • I now know what it feels like to be simply adored by a man.
  • He calls me sweet pea. And I think it’s adorable.
  • He likes my laugh, a trait I’ve always been self-conscious of.
  • He’s a southern gentleman and I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for southern boys.
  • He teaches me things–backgammon, new sex positions, and poetry–just to name a few.
  • He is kind, intelligent, a good conversationalist, and open-minded.
  • I don’t want to mess up what we currently have by mentioning that I might want something more. Especially because I’m not sure if I’d even be any good at that “something more.” Whatever that might be.

Part of me wishes that he would find this blog and read about what I am feeling–save me the anxiety of having this conversation face-to-face.

Part of me wishes he would just come out and tell me how he’s feeling even if those feelings are as complicated as my own.

Part of me wonders if I should say something, test the waters, as they say.

Part of me wonders if I should keep my big my mouth shut for once and maintain the status quo.

All of me hopes that he has feelings that at least somewhat resemble my own and that he would want to explore them together–both of us knowing full well that this would be a terrible idea, but one that is full of potential for greatness.

I Found A Cure For the Mr. Teacher Blues

His name is Mr. Professor.

I met Mr. Professor this past Saturday, but we were both out with other people. The entire evening I was distracted by his intensity, imagining what it would be like to get my hands on him. Little did I know, he was thinking the same exact thing. He texted me the following morning to tell me so. Well, he told me that and so much more. We ended up texting back and forth most of the day and making plans to hang out just the two of us.

When I say texting back and forth, I should probably expand upon that and tell you that these texts mostly outlined the things we wanted to do to each other. Now, I’ve never been a huge fan of sending dirty texts…well that’s not entirely true. I’ve always been a fan of receiving them, but I’ve never been good at replying to them. Suffice it to say that this guy found a way to bring that out in me. I’m a lover of words in every sense, so using them erotically gets me in a way that few other things to do. Mr. Professor has a way with these words which should really come as no surprise. And I quote:

I’m a poet. Fucking poetically means ‘fucking is a dirty poem.’ Words are the sexiest things there are. So few know their erotic power during sex.

And did he ever follow through on that promise.

He started by cooking me an amazing dinner–lamb soup with rice (cooked properly) and spinach sauteed with garlic. It was the yummiest meal that I had in weeks. And it was just a prelude to all of the yummy things that would soon follow. An hour of tension building with sweet kisses, hand holding, and light touching and teasing. Getting to know each other–our backgrounds, where we come from, what our families are like. Laughing, sighing, and creating a need for one another that only the other could satisfy.

One thing lead to another, as these things often do, and alas we were in his bed getting to know one another on an extremely erotically charged level–one that I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced before. But by the time we moved on to round two, I was quite familiar with this particular brand of sex. Quite familiar with my desire to want it again.

I shared with you that I know I have a thing for teachers, but Professors??? Who knew? The power, the intelligence, the sexiness of imparting knowledge is almost more than I can handle. But I will admit that what turns me on the most is knowing that he is standing before a room of undergrads who are all thinking the same way about him. I’m positive that there are at least a handful of students that he teaches that want to get their hands on him, but I know (with smug reassurance) that while they are fall picturing him naked, he’s attempting to control his fantasy of having sex with me. I know this because he told me so. I know this because he told me he had to think of nothing but my hands yesterday lest he not be able to handle the anticipation of the thoughts that were attempting to take over.

I will definitely be doing this again. And again.